All cannabis retail stores need a provincial licence to operate in Victoria. The BC Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) regulates cannabis retail stores. It is responsible for enforcing the Cannabis Control and Licensing Act. Cannabis retailers must operate in a location zoned for cannabis sales. They also require a Cannabis Business Licence in the City of Victoria.
The BC LCRB notifies the City when it receives a cannabis retailer licence application. The application is then forwarded to the City for recommendation. The City has a process for providing recommendations to the provincial government. The process covers cannabis retail store licence application referrals and related fees. The Cannabis Retail Store Licensing Consultation Policy and Fee Bylaw establishes this process.
All storefront cannabis retailers must be zoned for cannabis retail sales. Review the requirements in the Storefront Cannabis Retailer Rezoning Application. Applications will be primarily assessed based on the Storefront Cannabis Retailer Rezoning Policy.
Applications can be emailed to Only complete applications will be accepted. The rezoning process takes approximately six to eight months from submission but may take longer. The fee for a Cannabis Business Rezoning Application is $7,500.
Storefront Cannabis Retailer Rezoning Policy
Business Licences
All cannabis businesses must obtain a Cannabis Business Licence to operate.
Cannabis – Retail Business Licence Application
Cannabis Business Licences will not be approved until the necessary Rezoning Application is approved. The Business Licence fee is $1,500 for storefront cannabis retailers.