Request an Inspection

Inspections are required to make sure the work described under a permit matches the work being done.

Booking Requirements

Before booking an inspection, please review the list of Required Inspections. This applies to all Building, Plumbing and Electrical Permits.

Please be aware that your permit package is required to be on site during the inspection.

How to Request a Building Inspection

Building inspections can be requested online in two ways:

  1. Apply through the MyCity online portal. Requests can be made until 7 a.m. on the day of the requested date.
  2. Submit a Building Permit Inspection Request Form. Forms can be submitted until 4 p.m. on the business day before the requested inspection date.

Supporting documents or requests for help scheduling inspections should be sent to

Inspections can also be requested by phone by calling 250.361.0344. Requests can be made until 4 p.m. on the business day before the requested inspection date.

Building Permit Revisions

Any changes to an issued building permit must be submitted with a Revised Permit Application form to The City must approve the revised plans before work can start.

How to Request a Plumbing or Electrical Inspection

Plumbing and electrical inspections can be requested online through the MyCity online portal.