Secondary Suites

Secondary suites can help with mortgages and increase the amount of housing in Victoria. Secondary suites are permitted in single-family homes.

Legal Suites

A suite is considered legal when:

  • all required building, plumbing and electrical permits have been approved
  • all work has been completed and inspected
  • a final Occupancy Permit has been issued by the City of Victoria

Building a Secondary Suite 

Check to see if your property is eligible for a secondary suite

Review the rules of your zone by consulting the Zoning Regulation Bylaw. If you are unsure of your zone, you can look up your address of VicMap. The City’s Development Services staff can assist you in determining your home’s eligibility.

Review the applicable bylaws, guidelines, and codes

Apply for a Building Permit

Once you have confirmed that your property is eligible you can apply for a Building Permit. To learn more about the process, contact Permit and Inspections at 250.361.0342 or

When all permits are in hand, you are ready to build.