Community Association Land Use Committees (CALUC) are an important part of the land use application process.
One of the main roles of the CALUC is to facilitate the dialogue between applicants and the community in order to identify and resolve issues (both positive and negative) regarding land use applications. Applicants are required to contact the applicable CALUC representative to initiate this process.
The procedures for processing rezoning and variance applications require that the CALUC host a Community Meeting on all proposed Rezoning applications in order to ensure the community is notified about proposed land use applications. This process is detailed below.
City staff and the CALUC representatives will be pleased to assist with any questions.
Community Association Land Use Committee (CALUC) Contact and Consultation List
Rezoning and Official Community Plan Amendment Process
This process involves three main steps. For ease of understanding, this process is displayed in three stages below.
Pre-application Process
Prior to the City accepting an application for rezoning or Official Community Plan Amendment, the proponent must present the proposal at a community meeting.
Applicants are required to complete the following consultation in advance of submitting a rezoning or Official Community Plan amendment application:
participating in an electronic and/or in-person meeting at the discretion of the neighbourhood Community Association Land Use Committee (CALUC),
posting the proposal on the Development Tracker with an online comment form to receive feedback, and
posting sign(s) on site which direct people to the Development Tracker.
The applicant’s, CALUC’s, and City’s contact information is available on the Development Tracker so that individuals can reach out to discuss the proposal.
All of the information from the online comment form will be provided to the applicant, CALUC, and City. Comment forms submitted by residents or other third parties will include personal email addresses. These email addresses are only for the purpose of the CALUC or applicant to contact individuals regarding their comments. The email addresses must be secure from any other purpose and are not to be provided to any third party for any other purpose than described.
Applicants must complete the following steps in the specified sequence to initiate the pre-application consultation and the associated mailout notice:
Have the form signed by the Chair or a representative for the Community Association Land Use Committee. Please contact the Land Use Committee Chair directly to arrange for sign off. The CALUC will ensure plans and a summary letter have been prepared to be posted to the Development Tracker and presented at a community meeting. NOTE: The Community Consultation Notice form must be signed by a representative for the Community Association Land Use Committee before being submitted to Development Services.
Submit the signed form and payment online at MyCity at least 15 business days in advance of the meeting date. The fee is $800 per mail-out or $2400 if an Official Community Plan amendment is proposed. See below for submission requirements.
Staff will:
prepare the map for the Community Consultation Notice and contact you to confirm the accuracy of the subject property.
provide you with instructions for posting the sign(s) on site.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the sign is posted at least 10 business days in advance of the online meeting and to provide a photo to the City which documents this. If this deadline is not met, then the applicant will have to arrange and pay for a second mailout with a new meeting date.
The City will mail the notice to all owners and occupants of properties located within 100 metres of the subject property (or 200 meters if an Official Community Plan amendment is proposed). Plans will be posted on the Development Tracker for 30 days. There must be at least 30 days (and no more than six months) from pre-application before a rezoning application can be submitted.
Applicants are responsible for the accuracy of the information contained on the notice and will be required to arrange and pay for advertising a second community consultation if the information is incorrect. The City will send out the notice exactly as it is submitted.
Applicants must provide the following to be posted to the Development Tracker and presented at a community meeting:
Site plan
Floor plans
Photos or illustration of proposal in relation to flanking buildings
Landscape plan
Project summary letter, that includes a rationale for the proposed development and responds to items specified in the ‘Letter to Mayor and Council' section of the Rezoning Information and Application package.
In some cases (e.g. where an existing building's use is being changed) less information may be acceptable, if the Land Use Committee Chair agrees.
Application Submission and Review Process
After the community meeting, the proponent can submit an application to the City. Once a complete application is accepted, the review process begins.
Council Deliberations
For a more detailed step-by-step guide to processing a Rezoning application, refer to the Rezoning Process Flow Chart in the package.
Development Permits with Variance, Development Variance Permits and Heritage Alteration Permits with variances are also referred to the Community Association Land Use Committees for a 30-day review period.