Development Permits & Development Variance Permits

Development Permit

The Official Community Plan includes several development permit areas. These areas have guidelines for the form and character of development within the area. If your property falls in a development permit area, you may need a Development Permit before beginning work.

Please contact staff in Development Services to discuss whether your project requires a Development Permit or Development Variance Permit.

Smaller developments may be exempt from Development Permits. These are noted in the Official Community Plan. In some cases, the required development permits can be approved by City staff. For a complete explanation of the process, see the Development Permit application and the Delegated Development Permit application below.

Click here for the Development Permit application

Click here for the Delegated Permit Development application

Variance Permits

Minor Variance 

The Board of Variance has the authority to grant minor variances from the building regulations specified in the Zoning Regulation Bylaw, but cannot vary use or density.  The Board focuses primarily on matters of hardship relating to siting, dimensions and size of buildings. Click here for more information on the Board of Variance.

Development Variance Permit

A Development Variance Permit can be granted by Council for similar purposes as the Board of Variance, but also for other Zoning Bylaw regulations including parking requirements. If your project requires variances and doesn’t  require a Development Permit, you can apply for a Development Variance Permit. In some cases, minor variances can be approved by City staff. Please contact staff in Development Services if you are uncertain of which process your project would require. 

Click here for the Development Variance Permit application