Summary of Fees

A complete application includes payment of fees. The fees for development applications are set by the Land Use Procedures Bylaw. Fees are based on the type of application and are calculated based on proposed development, rather than existing development. If an application is withdrawn, a portion of fees may be refundable depending on the stage of the application process. Staff can advise on this matter as needed. An application may require one or more of the fees listed in this summary. The types of fees include:

  • Community Meeting Fee
  • Base Fee
  • Public Hearing Fee
  • Resubmission Fee

Community Meeting Fee 

Before submitting an application to initiate changes to the Official Community Plan or the Zoning Bylaw, the applicant must arrange and participate in a community meeting not more than six months in advance of the application submission date. A pre-application fee of $800 is required for the notification and administrative costs of a community meeting for a rezoning application. If the application involves an amendment to the Official Community Plan, the fee is $2,400. 

Base Fees

Application Type 
Base Fee
Rezoning (See footnote 1)
  • Up to three dwelling units (excluding duplexes and triplexes)
$2,000 per dwelling unit
  • Duplex
  • Triplex 
  • More than three dwelling units of any type
$6,000 + 50 cents per sq. m. of total floor area
  • Non-residential or mixed uses (Zero to 500 sq. m. of floor area) (See footnote 2)
$3,000 + 50 cents per sq. m. of total floor area
  • Non-residential or mixed uses (More than 500 sq. m. of floor area (See footnote 2)
$6,000 + 50 cents per sq. m. of total floor area
  • Storefront cannabis retailer (See footnote 3)
Temporary Use PermitRezoning base fee 
Development Permit, Development Permit with Variance, Heritage Alteration Permit and Heritage 
Alteration Permit with Variance (excluding DPA 15F: Missing Middle Housing) (See footnotes 1, 4, 5, 6)
  • Up to three dwelling units (excluding duplex and triplex)
$2,000 per dwelling unit
  • Duplex
  • Triplex
  • More than three dwelling units of any type 
$6,000 + $2.50 per sq. m. of total floor area
  • Non-residential or mixed-uses
    (0 to 500 sq. m.
    floor area) (See footnote 2)
$3,000 + $2.50 per sq. m. of total floor area
  • Non-residential or mixed-uses
    (More than 500 sq. m.
    floor area) (See footnote 2)
$6,000 + $2.50 per sq. m. of total floor area 
  • Variances
$250 per variance
Development Permit and Development Permit with Variance in Development Permit Area 15F: Missing Middle Housing (See footnotes 1, 8)
  • One dwelling unit 
  • Two dwelling units 
  • Three to six dwelling units 
  • More than six dwelling units 
  • Variances 
$250 per variance
Delegated Development Permit in Development Permit Area 15F: Missing Middle Housing (See footnotes 1, 8)
  • One dwelling unit 
  • Two dwelling units 
  • Three to six dwelling units 
  • More than six dwelling units 
Delegated Development Permit in Development Permit Area 16: General Form and Character for buildings over 100 sq. m. 50% of the development permit fee as provided above
Development Permit - Garden Suites$2,500
Delegated Development Permit - Garden Suites$2,000
Other Delegated Development Permit$200
Delegated Heritage Alteration Permit (See footnote 5)$200
Development Permit or Heritage Alteration Permit proposing only emergency preparedness container(s) and equipment that are collectively under 100 sq. m. in floor area$500
Delegated Development Permit or Delegated Heritage Alteration Permit with Parking Variance(s)Delegated development permit or delegated heritage alteration permit fee as provided above + $250
Board of Variance$250
Site Profile $100
Development Variance Permit $750 (Includes one variance. Each additional variance is $250)
Amendments to existing legal agreements $500 + The City's legal costs 
Request for Council authorization$1,000
Official Community Plan amendment $2,500
Heritage Revitalization Agreement (use or density)Rezoning base fee 

Public Hearing Fee 

(See footnote 7)

  • If a rezoning or Official Community Plan amendment application is advanced to and requires a public hearing, an additional fee of $1,800 for advertising is required and payable at Development Services before setting a public hearing date. This fee can be paid earlier if the applicant wishes to do so.

Resubmission Fee 

  • A fee of $500 will be charged for resubmissions that do not address or are not in response to the requirements set out by staff, advisory panels or Council.

Affordable Housing Application Fee

  • For an application where all of the dwelling units proposed in the development are affordable housing units, no base application fee or variance fee is required. For an application where a portion of the dwelling units proposed in the development are affordable dwelling units, the base application fee and variance fee are reduced based on the floor area of affordable housing units as a percentage of the total floor area of the building. Fees are not reduced for floor areas associated with common areas, parking or amenity space. The affordable housing must meet both of the following conditions: 
    • Be part of a development wholly owned and operated by a registered non-profit residential housing society or government agency or operated by a registered non-profit residential housing society or government agency pursuant to a legally binding arrangement with the property owner; and
    • Be subject to a housing agreement with the City or a covenant in favour of the City, securing its use as a below-market housing unit in perpetuity.


  1. With the exception of development permit applications in Development Permit Area 15F: Missing 
    Middle Housing, accessory dwelling units are not counted as dwelling units for the purposes of 
    calculating the base application fee. The minimum fee for a rezoning, development permit (with or 
    without variances), or heritage alteration permit (with or without variances) is $2,000.
  2. This fee calculation is used for any use other than residential as well as proposals for mixed use that 
    include residential.
  3. The base application fee to allow any “storefront cannabis retailer” use is the greater of $7,500 and the 
    applicable application fee.
  4. For concurrent rezoning and development permit or heritage alteration permit applications for a single family, duplex, or triplex application, the development permit and heritage alteration base fee is not required (with the exception of development permit applications in Development Permit Area 15F: Missing Middle Housing). 
  5. For a heritage alteration permit in which the proposed development is for a single family dwelling or a 
    duplex: (a) If there are no variances or if the application is delegated, no application fee is required; (b) 
    If there are variances, the base fee is not required, but the fee for each is $250. 
  6. The base application fee for a development permit for subdivision only is $250 for each new lot that is 
    proposed in the application.
  7.  A public hearing is required before Council adopts a bylaw to:
    a) amend a zoning bylaw that is not consistent with the OCP;
    b) amend the OCP;
    c) designate heritage properties; or
    d) enter into or amend a heritage revitalization agreement, if the agreement or amendment would 
    permit a change to the use or density of use that is not otherwise authorized by the applicable 
    zoning or alter the zoning bylaw in relation to residential rental tenure. 
  8. An applicant who has paid the base application fee pertaining to a proposed development in
    Development Permit Area 15F: Missing Middle Housing and complied with the applicable provisions of 
    the City’s Tenant Assistance Policy and a Tenant Assistance Plan consistent with the policy is entitled 
    to a refund of $5,000 of that fee after the City has issued an occupancy permit for the development. 

Additional Deposits

Additional deposits may be required depending on the type of application.