If you have an interest in researching your home, building or historical land use, the following resources will help you get started.
City Directories (1860–1999)
City directories provide an idea of what type of building was at a particular address (i.e., residence or business). The directories also provide a rough idea of the age of the building, by the date the address first appears in the directories.
During your research, keep in mind that the street numbering system for Victoria changed in 1907. In addition, street names often change.
List of City Directories at the Archives
The Vancouver Public Library has digitized many B.C. related directories.
B.C. City Directories 1860–1955
Maps and Plans
Fire insurance plans and lot maps can be useful when researching buildings. Fire insurance plans show:
- street numbers
- construction material used for each building
- number of storeys
- type of roofing material
- position of building on lot
- locations of outbuildings
- the use of the building
The Archives has five sets of original fire insurance plans (1903–1909, 1911–1916, 1921–1949, 1925–1949 and 1957–1967). The following plans are available online:
Lot maps can help trace the growth of the city and determine the legal description of a building. Descriptions of the maps in the Archives’ collection are searchable.
Demolished Building Plans
Building plans and applications for plumbing connections for demolished buildings are held by the Archives. You can search for these with the Archives’ Online Search. These records are useful for researching architects and buildings that have been demolished. Applications for plumbing connections will usually confirm the date a building was plumbed and the date it was demolished.
Search Building Plans Search Plumbing Connection Applications
For plans of extant buildings, contact the City’s Permits and Inspections division.
Building Permits (1907–1989)
Building permit applications are arranged by building permit number. They can help establish an approximate date of construction. In addition, the owner's name, legal description, number of storeys and rooms are recorded. The building permit application ledgers are available for viewing in the Archives’ reading room.
Oil Burning Equipment & Fuel Storage Tank Permits (1980s–present)
These records are available through the Victoria Fire Department. They include the date, name of installer, tank capacity and the location of tanks and pumps.
Tax Assessment Rolls (1864–1948)
Tax assessment records can help to establish ownership of a property or the construction dates of a building. These records show lot size, name of owner, land value and improvements to the land (i.e., house). Tax assessment records are available for viewing in the Archives’ reading room.
The City of Victoria Archives has an extensive photograph collection from a variety of sources. Many of these images are scanned and searchable through the Archives’ Online Search. Please note that these images represent only part of the Archives collection, as the scanning of records is ongoing.
Archives’ Online Photograph Search
Newspaper Clippings
Clipping files provide an excellent source of information on development and planning issues, street histories, buildings and neighbourhoods.
Archives’ Online Newspaper Clippings Search
House Names
A list of house names from the early 1900s is available online. The list provides information on the name of the residence, its street address, the owner and the municipality in which it was located.