Freedom of Information

The City of Victoria is committed to open and transparent government. This includes having quality online records and providing easy access to information and records.

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) gives you the right to access records held by the City of Victoria.

Sections 70 and 71 of FIPPA require public bodies to “establish categories of records that are in the custody or under the control of the public body and are available to the public without a request for access” under FIPPA. These include policy and procedure manuals, guidelines, policy statements and bylaws.  

The information below will help you determine if the records you are seeking are already available. Various records are available online through: 
1. Open Data Catalogue  
You may find statistics, permit and license holder information, zoning, and various financial records. The Mayor and Council Dashboard provides information on Council motions and voting.

2. Document Library  
Here you will find the most viewed documents and publications including the Statement of Financial Information, Annual Reports and other plans and guides.

3. City Council and Committee agendas and minutes

4. Property Information Portal  
Search for all permits issued to a specific property.  

5. MyCity Plan Search Request  
Access to all retained records for a specific property.

6. Bylaw Directory  
Search through all City Bylaws.

7. VicMaps  
Interactive map that details the locations of various infrastructure, parks and open spaces, statistical information and historical information on areas, infrastructure and properties.  

8. City Archives  
Various records dating back to the City’s inception.  

If the record you are seeking is routinely available but cannot be located online, or you have a general question, please contact the specific City department.

If you are looking for information that is not routinely available, you will need to submit a formal Freedom of Information (FOI) request.   

Please note, the Victoria Police Department is a separate public body and FOI requests for police information must be made directly to VicPD.


Submitting an FOI Request

Please submit your City of Victoria FOI request here:
 FOI Request Form

Alternatively, you can submit an FOI request in writing at the Public Service Centre located in City Hall at 1 Centennial Square.  

FOI requests can also be mailed to: 
City of Victoria 
Attn: Freedom of Information Office 
1 Centennial Square 
Victoria, BC   V8X 1P6 

Phone: 250.361.0571 Option 2
