Emergency Preparedness Workshops

The City offers free VictoriaReady workshops to help you prepare for emergencies. Workshops are usually held once per month and registration is easy and free.

In the workshop, you will learn how to:

  • prepare for emergencies
  • make a plan
  • get your emergency kit together
  • connect with your community

If you are unable to register online, please call 250.920.3373 or email emvic@victoria.ca and provide your name, phone number and the session you wish to attend.

Find and register for a free workshop

Book a Workshop for Your Group

Free workshops can be provided for your business, community group or housing complex. Contact us if you would like to host one of the workshops below. 

  • VictoriaReady emergency preparedness workshops: preparing for and getting through emergencies.
  • Business continuity workshops: maintaining business operations and services after emergencies and during recovery.