Subscribe to Vic-Alert

Vic-Alert is the City’s free emergency notification system. It provides critical alerts and emergency information to anyone who has registered. Subscribers will receive alerts for events such as tsunamis, chemical spills, evacuation notices or other safety threats in the City of Victoria. Vic-Alert is powered by Alertable.

Sign Up for Vic-Alert

1. Sign up through the app (recommended)

The Alertable app is available for Android and iOS and offers the most features. Features include maps, pictures and additional incident details. 

Download from the App Store  Get it on Google Play

2. Sign up for email, text or phone call alerts

In the box below, subscribe as many email addresses or phone numbers as you would like, one at a time. You'll have the opportunity to add more emails/phone numbers once you complete each entry.

If you have any questions or need assistance registering for Vic-Alert, please email or call 250.920.3373.

Updates on Social Media

For emergency updates in the City of Victoria, follow: 

For helpful emergency preparedness tips and recovery information, follow: