Safety, Inspections & Regulations

Fire Safety

In 2022, the B.C. Fire Commissioner's Office reported that residential fires accounted for nearly 89 per cent of fire-related injuries in the province. There are many small actions you can take at home to greatly increase your fire safety.

Help protect you and your family by reviewing the Home Fire Safety Checklist:

Home Fire Safety Checklist

The following resources feature valuable safety information:

Fire Prevention Division

The division works out of the Fire Hall offices at 1025 Johnson Street. Public office hours are Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Fire inspectors visit buildings to ensure they are safe from fire. They check that any fire protection systems are up to date on their required service. Each inspector must have a working knowledge of the current editions of:

  • the Fire Services Act of BC
  • the BC Fire Code
  • the BC Building Code
  • their referenced documents

The inspection officers are trained fire investigators. They may conduct work outside normal hours and are expected to participate in an on-call rotation. When called, they are required to respond to investigate the cause of fires in Victoria.

Inspectors receive training and attend seminars throughout the year. This training ensures inspectors are up to date on current recommendations from experts and are maintaining their skill level. All inspectors are:

  • designated as Local Assistants to the Fire Commissioner
  • trained to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards
  • members of the Fire Prevention Officers Association of British Columbia (FPOABC)
  • members of the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI)
  • Members of the Canadian Association of Arson Investigators (CAFI)

Fire Inspections

The Fire Prevention Division conducts the following inspections: