Waste Reduction

Reuse Stamp Card Contest

a photo that says "bring your own mug to win!"

Thank you to the hundreds of people who participated in the Reuse Stamp Card contest. You have helped reduce waste in Victoria by preventing over 800 disposable cups from being thrown away! Our five contest winners have been notified and will each receive a zero waste prize kit. We look forward to future opportunities for community involvement in reuse initiatives.

About Waste in our Community

Everyday across the City of Victoria, over 120 tonnes of materials are disposed of and sent to the landfill. The waste includes:

  • demolished buildings
  • uneaten food
  • plastic and paper packaging
  • old clothes and furniture

Reconsidering these materials as valuable resources to keep them in use is a key principle of a circular economy. In this area, cities have the biggest role to play in the transition to a more circular and sustainable future.

Contact zerowaste@victoria.ca for more information.

Zero Waste Victoria

Zero Waste Victoria is a plan to reduce waste disposal by 50 per cent by 2040. This plan was approved by Council on December 10, 2020.

Key actions between 2023- 2027 include:

•    Design and implementation of new collection services
•    Litter reduction policies and infrastructure
•    Circular packaging initiatives
•    Demolition material reuse regulations
•    City facilities and event waste reduction

Review the plan: