Over 220,000 single-use items are thrown away in Victoria every day. These can include:
- disposable coffee cups
- takeout containers
- stir-sticks
- plastic utensils
On September 5, 2024, the City adopted the Single-Use Items Reduction Bylaw (No. 23-013) to reduce single-use item waste and encourage the use of reusable products. The bylaw includes the following regulations:
- requiring food ware accessories such as utensils, stir sticks, condiments and straws to be distributed by request (effective December 5, 2024)
- requiring that businesses use only reusable products for dine-in services (effective March 5, 2026)
Frequently Asked Questions
Business Resources
The City, as part of Zero Waste Victoria, has developed a Sustainable Takeout Guide. The guide provides product and purchasing guidelines for food service business in Victoria. Read the guide:
- Sustainable Takeout Guide (English)
- Sustainable Takeout Guide (Cantonese)
- Sustainable Takeout Guide (Mandarin)
A sustainable takeout packaging supplier list is available upon request.
The City has also created resources related to the Checkout Bag Regulation Bylaw No. 20-025. To receive brochures, posters or till toppers for your business, please email: zerowaste@victoria.ca.