Yard & Garden Waste

Drop-Off Program

Victoria residents can drop off branches and other garden waste for free, year-round at the Public Works Yard on Saturdays from 7 a.m.-2 p.m. (except statutory holidays).

The yard and garden waste drop-off is located at the City's Public Works Yard (417 Garbally Rd).

City staff will be present at the garden waste drop-off to direct traffic, but residents will need to unload their own garden waste. Staff will direct residents where garden waste can be unloaded while maintaining a safe physical distance. 

Residential Branch Chipping 2025

You prune, we remove. The City of Victoria provides a branch chipping service to help residents remove tree branches from their yard. Before pruning, please consult the City's Tree Protection Bylaw for guidance. 

To have your branches picked up, place them on the grass boulevard by Monday, February 24 at 7 a.m. for chipping. Each household can have one pile of loosely stacked branches no bigger than the amount a half-ton pickup truck can hold. Trucks will make one pass down each street.  

Please note that only tree branches can be chipped and collected. All other yard waste can be taken to the City's Public Works Yard for disposal. 

Curbside Collection

Did you know you can add yard and garden waste to your green bin? Check your schedule here.

Residential Leaf Collection

Each year starting in the fall, the City of Victoria collects approximately 7,000 tonnes of leaves from over 40,000 trees. The City offers leaf collection to residents to help keep leaves out of storm sewers. Leaves in the storm sewers can cause flooding. Collected leaves are used to produce quality mulch for City parks and community programs.

Residential leaf collection is coming to your neighbourhood soon. Crews will start leaf collection in your zone on the collection start date and it will take three to four weeks to complete a zone. 


Neighbourhood (Zone)First Collection StartsSecond Collection Starts
James Bay, Fairfield, Rockland, GonzalesOct. 15Dec. 9
Oaklands, Fernwood, Jubilee, Hillside QuadraNov. 4Dec. 16
Victoria West, Burnside, North Park, Harris Green, DowntownDec. 2Jan. 6

Residents have three options for leaf collection.

Leaf Collection FAQs

City of Victoria Leaf Mulch

The City processes its own leaf mulch with leaves collected during residential leaf collection as well as from parks, sports fields, tennis courts, streets and other areas. Most of what we process is used within Victoria's 138 parks and open spaces.

At certain times of year, surplus leaf mulch is available for the public to self-load outside the Parks Yard at the end of Nursery Road in Beacon Hill Park until the supply runs out. Surplus leaf mulch will be available again starting late winter 2024. Gardeners wanting to pick up this free mulch can use shovels and pitchforks. Heavy machinery (i.e., Bobcat equipment) is not allowed. You may wish to call ahead to see if mulch is available during busy times of year: 250.361.0600.

The City also makes leaf mulch available for community gardening projects. If you are involved in a community gardening project, contact parks@victoria.ca or 250.361.0600 for more information. Through the City delivers leaf mulch to residents for home gardens.