Residential Leaf Collection Starts Oct. 17

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Residential leaf collection is coming to every Victoria neighbourhood this fall. The annual program starts on October 17 and will continue until January.

Each year, the City of Victoria collects approximately 7,000 tonnes of leaves from over 40,000 trees. The program helps keep leaves out of storm sewers, maintains clean streets, and produces quality mulch for City parks and community programs.

To participate, pile your leaves on the grassy boulevard in advance of the collection start date. For properties without a grassy boulevard, please place leaf piles on your property. Ensure leaf piles and bags are visible and accessible from the street, and avoid placing leaf piles on or against trees, power poles, signs and fire hydrants. Bags are not required for neighbourhood leaf collection but if you use them always use clear, certified-compostable bags.

Residential leaf collection is organized by neighbourhood zones: 

  • For James Bay, Fairfield, Rockland, Gonzales and South Jubilee, first collection starts Oct. 17 and second collection starts Dec. 12.
  • For Oaklands, Fernwood, North Jubilee and Hillside-Quadra, first collection starts Nov. 7 and second collection starts Dec. 28.
  • For Victoria West, Burnside Gorge, North Park, Harris Green and Downtown, first collection starts Dec. 5 and second collection starts Jan. 9.

Crews start leaf collection on the collection start date and it takes three to four weeks to complete. Collection dates are weather dependent and crews prioritize areas that are prone to flooding. Thanks for your patience while our leaf collection crews get down every street twice.

Leaf drop-off locations and bagged leaf pick-up service are also available.