Tenant Assistance Policy

The Tenant Assistance Policy helps mitigate the impacts of tenant displacement. This policy applies to situations where tenants must find a new place to live due to redevelopment where a rezoning is required. It also serves as a best-practice approach for any renovation or redevelopment situations where tenants are required to move.

Tenant Assistance Policy

The Tenant Assistance Policy is one of many initiatives the City is undertaking as part of a housing strategy. It complements existing regulations under the Provincial Residential Tenancy Act.

Information for Tenants

The Tenant Assistance Policy provides support for tenants in buildings applying for redevelopment. It recommends that landlords provide tenants with the following:

  • compensation based on length of tenancy in the form of lump sum payments or free rent
  • moving expenses and assistance
  • relocation assistance in finding alternate accommodation
  • Right of First Refusal (if applicable) to return to the building

To find out how much compensation you should expect from your landlord based on your unit type and the number of years you have been a tenant, see section 4.1 (Compensation) and 4.2 (Moving Expenses and Assistance) of the Tenant Assistance Policy. Alternate guidelines apply if you are a tenant in a non-market rental or social housing, or if you landlord is proposing a Missing Middle Housing Development. Please see the Tenant Assistance Policy for details.  

Reach out to housing@victoria.ca if you have any questions.

Average Rents for the City of Victoria (as of October 2023) 

Unit Type 

CMHC Average Rent 









Tenant Assistance Policy

The Tenant Assistance Policy process is as follows:

  1. The applicant (property owner or developer) notifies tenants of plans for redevelopment or demolition.
  2. The applicant works with the City to submit a Tenant Assistance Plan. This plan must meet the Tenant Assistance Policy and the needs of tenants.
  3. Once the development permit and Tenant Assistance Plan are approved, tenants are notified and provided with a copy of the plan.
  4. After receiving all required building permits, the applicant will issue a notice to end tenancy to tenants. This is required by the Provincial Residential Tenancy Act.

Additional Assistance

The policy recognizes that some tenants may need assistance beyond the minimum listed. After receiving a draft Tenant Assistance Plan from your landlord, if you think you need extra support, complete the Request for Tenant Assistance Form describing what kind of additional assistance you may need (examples may include more financial support or help with packing before for your move) and provide it to your landlord. Tenants who require additional assistance may include:  

  • long-term tenants who pay below market-rent and may have trouble in the current market 
  • tenants with specific housing needs due to a disability (physical and/or mental health issues) 
  • seniors, who may be long-term tenants and living on a fixed income 
  • families with young children, who may have difficulty finding appropriate units 
  • newcomers (recent immigrants and refugees) 
  • households with very low ($ 24,999 or below) to low ($25,000– $44,999) income 
  • self-reporting of additional assistance needs by tenants 

The City may ask that more financial compensation be provided to tenants who need it.

The Tenant Relocation Guide is a resource with information on the policy and process for tenants:

Tenant Relocation Guide

Information for Developers and Property Owners

Property owners are expected to submit a Tenant Assistance Plan for rezoning applications that displace tenants. It also serves as a best-practice approach for any renovation or redevelopment situation where tenants are required to relocate. The Tenant Assistance Plan process involves a staff review to provide guidance and feedback. Staff will ensure the plan aligns with the policy. They may also make recommendations for supporting tenants who need additional assistance. A summary of the Tenant Assistance Plan is included in the staff report to the Committee of the Whole for the application.  

Supporting Documents